Sunday, February 24, 2013

The new era Kha-dreps

We the Bhutanese have witnessed the orange and blue glamour of politics when Democracy was gracefully bestowed five years ago in 2008. That was the time when I was not even eligible to vote and didn’t even know the slightest distinction between National Assembly (NA) and National Council (NC). I was not only the one not knowing, even the majority of voters didn’t. Now after five good years of democracy, I am proud to know the functionality of democracy. But I am still struggling to understand the real essence of National Council. While, National Councilor with authority of building roads, electricity and luxury which is misconception of novice is of course not my confusion. My confusion greatly lies in skills displayed by our democratic councilors as similar to Khadreps in these five years.
In golden years of earliest monarchs, history testifies the existence of Khadreps who served the royal court as advisers with little of facts and figures and more of personal opinions according to its time. Royal Advisory Council emerged, serving the purpose of Khadreps with limited available facts and figures as the nation evolved. Now in democratic era, National Councilors were supposedly the new era Khadreps. As I see it, not much have evolved in the methods of advising which is in contrast to abundantly available facts and figures in minimum usage and more of personal opinions still prevailing. I am not in favor of people’s opinion  that NC stands for “National Chatters” nor as “Not Clear”, but what I do know is that, NC are the councilors who use the weapons of facts, figures, reality, actuality, evidences and more over precise analysis to support their advices for any policies of government. I am also not arguing that councilors are unaware of their roles, but emphasizing on the potentiality of NC to become well researched advisers. What we need to understand is that this modern democratic time needs more of researched analytical views rather than skills of conversation.
Under the reign of crane and horse, the first five years went by with much of development in democratic attitude and experimentation in policies resulting in gain of mature democratic society. And I believe councilors were the main factor in the successful term. I hope and pray that in coming five years, NC will play vital role as factual councilors and less as Khadreps.
With Best wishes to all NC aspirants…