Monday, July 15, 2013

Beautiful (A chit chat poem)

I can wait and I will wait forever,
As you look so beautiful today.
Not only beautiful today,
yesterday , today, will tomorrow,
and forever I shall wait:
to make more beautiful
just with me forever.
Beautiful you are indeed and
definition of beautiful shall evolve,
we shall define together.
By making one more beautiful:
which makes a woman beautiful
and more beautiful shall be defined
me, you and ours beautiful.
Hence beautiful forever...
written by facebook chatters

Friday, July 12, 2013

Intertwined by Possibilities and Probabilities...

I never fail to dream, rather I fail fulfilling it. I can dream epic in matter of seconds: dreams of success, dreams of miracles, magic, legendary stories, adventures, where I am superhero and many more. This eventually leading my every single seconds piling up just dreaming. This leaves, no time fulfilling it. Possibilities are abundant resulting into hopes that keeps my spirit of hopes going. Hope that never let me work to achieve it instead keeps me occupied, just dreaming to come true miraculously.
I dream about the hero where he gets the super power after so much of struggling wait, and also about practical stories where fate plays without any miracles involved. Contrasting imagination, yet, lessons me with destined destiny and fate unfolding timely and uninterruptable. Thus I wait and keep me dreaming.
I am wise just like a novelist, acting like god for his book. I know every reason for characters in my dreams to exist, Protagonist being myself always. In my head I reason out every single move. Be it motivational speech or be it comforting feeling for losses. This virtue of reasoning nurtures my hopes, restraining me from striving determinedly to fulfill dreams into reality.
Adventures are my favorite of all imagination. I fly, I try, and I cry on every fall from dragons, cliffs, trees and buildings. At the end I come alive and heroic. I get beautiful girl as well, just like James bond. In reality my steps shivers even to walk in the crowd. Perhaps, I try just up to certain extend. Try is never done while dreaming, as it clicks automatically.
My hopes go high and higher just like a balloon on gush of breeze. Breeze being the imagination, my reality being the balloon: weightless and empty.  When the breeze ceases the balloon shall fall, when it falls it may explode even on slight sharpness of ground.
Mathematically, probability shows the equivalency of capability and dreams, adding up to successful reality. I am good at math too, but to look from the angle of me having will so strong to stop dreaming and start working, which I seldom do easily. Then again, scary part is that I may fail.
Dreams have now become my best friend and reality my greatest fear. I am in mist of possibilities and probabilities where I am not able to see, reality being my greatest adventure, legendary story and magical world.
Someday something shall happen. (Another dream).