Monday, December 24, 2012

Virgin kiss

Virgin kiss
Wangyel climbed the step heading towards stage of auditorium with the anguish thoughts and bizarre feelings. Oh! It was definitely not nervous because he is not going to perform freestyle in formal dress; Gho, instead he is going to register himself as the new college student with the queue of other new students.
Wangyel’s heart bounced so quickly that his chest was not able to contain it. His eyes stuck suddenly, feet followed his eyes. However his conscious regained when one of the lecturers called out “Sonam Wangyel from Jakar high secondary school” he immediately turned toward the lecturer and registered in B.Sc life science.
Having done with registration he moved into the seated crowd of student with the whirlpool of thoughts: questions, doubt, fear, excitement and many more confusions but some how smile was overwhelming anyways. Wangyel’s eyes were searching from top to end of the seated crowd forgetting his lack of confidence to face the crowed. Still he failed to get view of her after that view: one before his registration and one when his eyes got stuck.

From that on, the twice views of an unknown girl left him nothing but a changed lad.
After two days Wangyel entered into a class room, full of new faces which gave him no feelings of cheers or sadness but one face caused him immense joy. The joy completely occupied his heart. She was seated shy fully with her only friend at the corner of the room. On the other side Wangyel was peeping secretly enjoying her beauty: her appealing eyes, her thin, pinkish sexy lips, her dark black hair, her elegant dressing of purple tego and kira with spice of her beautiful smile. All in all she bewitched him to steal his own concentration from the lecture. Besides her beauty, her simplicity allured him more than any other.
The days went on watching her and enjoying her shyness which spoke out of her face becoming rosy from milky dove cheeks. Most of the time, Wangyel saw her silence but to him her presence was enough to speak, although they were mute to each other.
Wangyel was sorry about his least content ability and cried every time he failed when he try,
“oh gods just give me strength to talk to her, Nothing more else”.
But nothing more else was only until consecutive desire blooms in him.
He became friend with his new class mates but of course not with the one he want desperately, until two ladies of his class saw his pain. For Wangyel they became so called Charlie’s angels to solve his case.
“I don’t know whether it is really love or infatuation but yeah! I think I like her more than my crushes earlier as such kind of illness never gave me so much desperation. So to let her know and let me know about her feelings towards me, I need your help. Will you? And yeah this should be only between us.” cried Wangyel starring at Pema who was one of the angel with whom he was first acquainted among girls from his class.

“I will try to fix it up provided what you just spoke is far from lie,” said Pema with her serious looks.

“Of course it’s true”.

5.9’ tall with fair complexion, hair upright just like famous soccer player Bekhem, smartly dressed in black and a traditional Bhutanese bag hanging from his shoulder turned with his grace to the call. “Wangyel would you mind to join us”, said Choden the second angel.
“Have you two introduced each other? Not yet I guess. I hope not planning to talk after graduation. Yeah!” said Choden.
He he he… giggled all gals including only guy, Wangyel.
Wangyel afforded to speak “so you are Yephel Wangmo from monger high school, right!”
She answered with warm smile which was adequate for him to think that, at least she knows his name.
Cheerful Wangyel was always eager to go to class not that he is into studies but you know…and one day Wangyel’s angels gave him one more reason to cheer.

“Is she really coming? I hope I have not forced her to agree that time,” Said Wangyel sitting quietly.
“She will as she agreed to me also. You don’t need to worry. Come on we will make the steps for our song until she comes”.
There is suppose to be eight couples for the song including wangyel standing alone but again one guy was missing for a girl. Wangyel was tensed but finally relieved when Yephel showed up. He stood up involuntarily with big smile on his face.
“I m so sorry to come late, I was…” she went on with her excuses to Choden. Wangyel was standing deaf near them and said to Choden quietly that it’s all right.
“Ok then lets start”
“Here you come, he is your partner as you know, Yephel” said Choden smilingly.

To reach so far, for wangyel to be her dance partner for the return show to seniors was not an easy task for angels: planning partner dance and forcing Yephel to dance. Angels requested many times to dance but she denied with lots of excuses, and Wangyel thought that he cant fail god for his blessing in disguise, so he himself requested her and fortunately her denial changed its way by saying
“I will try though I have not danced since my junior schooling”.
The acceptance of request only from him cemented the foundation of hope to get her.
While dancing they sort help from eye instead of mouth to talk which were actually a decent manner of great lovers.
Eye to eye, face to face hand in hand holding tightly they danced in front of crowed.
Wangyel planed to express his feelings right after their dance but he could not as she disappeared after the dance. However he sent her a text late at night expecting nothing but her love.
“I want to say something to u…u would be knowing wat I want to tell u. If u like we can meet tomorrow at 10AM. gudnite”.

“Why the sky seems angry today? Why sun is behind the dark clouds? Why the wind is still and why the nature is mute today?” loads of questions were popping up one after another while he was walking with his first dates. Not just because he was thinking that god is giving him the omen from getting rejected but also he was not able to suggest any beginning to his feelings.
Finally his unexpected date who was Yephel's best friend Dolma broke the silence, “why you didn't replied her sms and didn't pick up the call twice?”.
Wangyel wrecked from his whirlpool of thoughts and replied, “Actually I was not at all expecting this meeting and especially her presence, and I assumed myself that she might not turn up. so, I was washing my cloths. I m sorry cause I was not able to be on time”.
Wangyel slowly made an effort to make his date lively with his classic jokes and casual talk with his dates. Indeed his effort made a way for friendship with both anyhow. The conversation took a path of interview, where Wangyel and the dates took alternative roles of interviewer and interviewee. Wangyel got lost in the conversation such that he forgot his main purpose of knowing her feeling toward him.
Just before they were about to reach where they started, he got a last opportunity right after a truck passed between Wangyel  with Yephel and Dolma alone. Then and there he took a short halt and cried with his full confidence, “what if I tell you that I m in love with you?” her face turned away from him and his nerve pulses turned dead and tongue twisted in such a way that it produced a sentence, “ its ok! I understand. Its my fault..u have another and I got no one apart from u in my heart..”
“I too love you but I can’t take you as my boyfriend as my family's etiquette and my confidence do not allow me to do so, I m sorry for that”.
On the very moment of her say
“I too love you”,
from his actual date he got the answer of many questions: the sky was angry of taking away the another moon on earth, sun was ashamed of Wangyel for not getting his moon though he was trying since time immemorial, wind was still because he knew that Yephel was no longer to kiss her when ever she pass by. In contrary only the usual sound of living creatures was on Wangyel side as they were mute while they were talking which intended not to disturb.
Wangyel's happiness knew no bound after getting the answer he was seeking every where even to the statues.
Wangyel and Yephel's relation went on as a mystery for others to solve due to lack of togetherness. They took their eyes as a mode of conversation and their shyness: convincing that they were special to each other.
Chocolates became the materialistic form of love and the brisk walk of 30 minutes together were adequate for them to show there love frequently, sometimes miscall does the job, they were in love howsoever.
As there is a rising point in every story, so it is obvious to have in this story too. In this story the protagonist which is Wangyel was made to think that he was just side actors who substitute the absence of main actor. The evil doubt was induced by the gossips around and the misfortunes of other love stories but the other protagonist that is Yephel also didn't fail to put oil on fire by her ignorant gestures and the unanswered texts.
Yephel denied his offers for walk. It’s been a while that they haven’t teased eye to eye for quite a long time; this didn't allow him even to have a good nap at midnight, after all he loves her.
Wangyel and Yephel were sitting under the tree on the bench which is centrally located in academic buildings. They were silent for few moments. Wangyel went to her knees and firmly holding her hand and spoke gently,
“do u really love me?......”
and spoke out all that was hurting him. She was barely speaking any words. Wangyel was in such a state that he did not care to say that she can dump him or else forget everything that happened between them. She didn't speak any word justifying her state although she can cook up excuses like any other girls normally do. After he expressed all his feelings, he dropped her to the girl’s hostel and the scene was just looking as if in love story movies: lovers getting separated in different directions.
No, no its not the end of this hysterical love story there is even exciting further more. Wangyel was so depressed and sad that he slept to get rid away with his pain. The painful time was just meant only for that night as she text him in morning which filled him immense joy far more than the first one.
“Wangyel I m really sorry for what ever I did to u. it was not my intension to hurt u or something but I was foolish to ignore you as I was in dilemma. Now I realized that you are the one ruling my heart. About yesterday's night, I couldn't answer any of your questions because I was so nervous and afraid of loosing you that I was out of words. Anyways I now confess you that I love you more than any other”.
That one night accelerated the love story of Wangyel and Yephel much faster and better.
The semester was in verge of ending: Exams were done, students started packing there things and the college was preparing for winter vacation. Couples were on March along the road side to bid fair well to each other until they meet next semester exclusive of Wangyel and Yephel. The last walk for the semester of Yephel and Wangyel was free of disturbance because they went bid far way in the corner of kanglung village. There in the middle of paddy field holding each other not just to generate heat to keep themselves warm but also to show there sadness in departing for almost two months.
Wangyel touched her face with his hand and gently lifted her chin towards his mouth, air was exchanged between them with a gap but slowly the distance disappeared as they touched each others lips. They were biting each others tongue; the teeth were not locked to each other. They were sucking each others saliva. They were not dogs biting each other but a virgin kiss.
They hugged tightly.
She spoke softly to herself that,
“I always get excited with touch of boy’s hand and does what not things”.
 It was only for Wangyel, the virgin kiss indeed.

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